Wednesday, December 11, 2002

Holiday Greetings

I don't know if I'll be posting again this month, so I want to make sure to wish all of you a happy holiday season, and all of the best for the upcoming year.

I'm still on my Weight Watchers program. I've found a bunch of recipes for holiday goodies at low points! I'm going to fix some of them while staying with my family, while they eat the high points stuff, that is! I even found an eggnog recipe on the WW site that is only 3 points per serving.

I'm going to make a special Christmas morning brunch, and I'm collecting the recipes now. This meal should only be me and my parents. The whole family is together for Christmas Eve dinner, and most return for left overs Christmas Day. I'm making some side dishes for the dinner, one is brussel spouts with cranberries which sounds delicious. Another one is latkes, potatoe pancakes, that are baked instead of fried to make them low points. I'm also thinking about making my traditional Yorkshire pudding, even though the points are through the roof. Just a taste sounds really good to me.

I'm slowing losing. It was four pounds last week, only a pound this week for a total of 5, which I think is great. My goal for the holidays around food:
  • To find some new foods that I love
  • To enjoy every single bite I put into my mouth
  • To maintain my current weight

If I end up losing through the last weeks of the year, that would be great, but as long as I stay the same, I will be THRILLED. I'm going to make sure that any special indulgences are planned and thoroughly enjoyed.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Yet Another Quick Post

I'm getting settled back into my life, slowly. I'm back on Weight Watchers, and doing OK. My scales got broken, somehow, and I have just replaced them. So I'll know soon how the weight loss is coming.

The eating process is a bit challenging these days. Some of my old regulars just don't taste too good to me, so I'm looking for new foods to try to replace them. I've got a pot of Sloppy Joes in the fridge, and they are as delicious as ever. I've also developed a real keenness for green beans, of all things.

As you might guess, after going through such a life changing experience, I'm still sorting out what goes and what stays in my life. For now, at least, this blog is IN. The jury is still out on some of my other blogs.

I'm feeling a lot of things these days. A bit of frustration over my slow recovery, and ongoing mobility problems. A bit of sadness over all of the pain and some of the horrible parts of the whole experience. A bit of anger, too. I'm not back to my regular, but I am making progress, slowly. But slow and steady is good, as my friend Alan tells me, "make haste slowly..." and that seems to be my schedule.

The thing I'm most grateful for is that I'm feeling. Feelings, no matter whether they are happy or sad, are evidence of life, and the road to life passion. I'm feeling my life, sometimes quite deeply. And I'm not taking all of my current challenges too seriously. I know that one of these days, I will wake up and realize that I'm better. Just like that watched tea pot that never boils, my own recovery will come as a surprise to me when it is time. I'm doing my best to rest, to relax, and to let go of my strong-willed determination to push my way through my own life. I'm trying to remember that I'm always doing the best I can do in the moment, even if I can remember back to before my illness, when I could do something different. Some tomorrow, what I can do will be different from today. I'm not worried about marking that change date on my day timer... I'm really trying to just allow my life and my experiencs to unfold. To forgive myself. To show myself some great compassion. To be kind to myself. It's a real change from how I used to live. I can only trust that I'm on the right road, and making great progress.

Right now, I'm thinking that I will be laying low the month of December, and will return to things full steam in January. Of course, "full steam" may not mean the same thing that it did last year. But a new year, a fresh restart, it feels like a good decision. I'm going with it.

I'll pop in here from time to time, but you can expect the full diet thing to resume in January. After all, I'm still learning how to create my own healthy lifestyle, and I would like to lose at least 50 more pounds. And then there is that red Ralph Lauren towel hanging in my bathroom...

Monday, November 11, 2002

Another Quick Post

Hello everyone. I'm back home, finally, after almost 2 months. I came home to plumbing problems... isn't it always something? But in spite of this, I must say that I'm feeling more relaxed now that I've been home a few days, and have actually driven my truck. I'm going to be fine. I've been worried about being able to do everything on my own, and now I know that I can do ENOUGH to get by.

I'm eating better, too. Perhaps it is only because I don't have snack foods available at my house! But whatever the reason, I'm enjoying feeling back to normal. I'm going to eat well, but not really count points this week. Starting Monday, however, I'm back in my program.

I can't put into word the feeling of relief I have now. I'm so glad that I decided to take some time off, even though I snacked with the best of them. Taking the pressure off of myself was a kind thing for me to do for me. Thanks to everyone who wrote to me supporting me. Now that I'm back in my usual environment, with my usual foods around, I'm so much more relaxed. By Monday, I'll be ready to resume my program.

My weakened leg continues to give me problems. Thanks to my friend, Beth, for helping me to understand how a weak leg can give me knee problems, and for giving me some exercises I can do to build up my inner thigh. I'm doing them, and boy, can I feel how weak those muscles are today! I'm going to resume distance walking as soon as the knee clears up, and with the new exercises, I'm hoping that will be very soon.

It's good to be home. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Quick Post

Hello everyone. I'm packing my things to return home to Phoenix over the weekend. My recovery seems to be going through a setback, as I'm not able to get around very much at all, and seriously doubt that I will be able to drive my truck because it has a standard transmission and my weak leg is the clutch leg. We'll see what happens. Otherwise, I'm not counting points, although I'm making an effort to eat good things, and I'm in a bit better mood, but still not back to my normal mood -- whatever that is.

I've been writing a bit in my personal journal, if you are interested.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Week 36
Taking Some Time Off

Thanks to everyone who stopped by after my last post, who commented, and who sent me emails. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I wish I could tell you that I've snapped out of it. I haven't. I weighed myself yesterday morning, and when the number was above the previous week, I didn't even consider it an official weigh-in. I'm taking some time off, a few days, a week, I don't know. I'm not sure what is going on with me, to tell the truth. I'm watching myself struggle with everything throughout the day. I think somehow, I'm trying too hard right now -- not with my eating, but with my whole life. Things are harder on me that I realized. I figure that I've been through a lot these last few months, and somehow it is catching up with me. I'm not taking the whole thing too seriously... but I'm also not going to continue fighting myself at every moment. I'm not sure WHAT to do, so I'm stepping back a bit. A few days off won't hurt anything in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully, I will rediscover my usual self in a day or so, and can resume my normal life.

I'm not sure if I will post here much until I find myself. I'll try not to stay away for long... I know some of you are sharing my life through these entries. I don't mean to push anyone away, I'm just trying to figure out how to get through this rough patch.

Who knows... maybe I'll wake up tomorrow in a good mood and be back to my old self.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Week 35
I'm Sad

I have struggled with my food this week. I've struggled with some grief this week. I miss my life back in Phoenix. I have things I want to change about my life in Phoenix, things that don't please me, things that don't help me. I have appreciated the help from my family these last almost two months, and I've enjoyed being with them. I'll miss them when I'm back in Phoenix, and I'll be a bit lonely for the company, I'm sure. I'm in a bit of limbo right now. I've got tears streaming down my cheeks as I write this. Not content to stay here as a guest in someone else's house, not really ready to resume independent living, and not wanting to go back to exactly the same life I had before I got sick. Wondering what the future holds for me, hoping that it is really wonderful, but unsure. Disappointed that someone I wasn't quite over has gotten married, even though I'm happy for him. Lonely for the fabulous conversations we used to share and that I've missed. Wishing I had someone interesting to talk with in my life. Sad that so many of my friends have moved away over the last few years. Feeling very isolated in my Phoenix life, wishing I was a bit different type of person, someone who chatted people up easier. I also feel like I've lost my sister over the last few years, and even though I've been here, she hasn't shown up much or called much. Her life goes on without me, and not just because I've been 2000 miles away. I'm sad tonight.

I'm rambling, I know. But I feel like I have to get this sadness out of my heart or it is going to stay put and cast a shadow on my life. I try to walk that line between honestly feeling what I feel, and at the same time, not giving in to feeling sorry for myself, and looking for the real blessing in the situation. Not just the silver lining, the REAL BLESSING.

Yep, I've been alone in the last two years a lot more that I would have liked. I've been let down by people at times when I needed some support and help. I've lost friends, real friends, to jobs in another state, new children, new relationships and to the slippery slope of daily schedule demands. It's been an alone time, and from it, I've really seen how important it is to have a solid personal foundation. It's been part of the ebb and flow of life, the rhythms of living. I can remember happier times, and sadder times, easier times and harder times. Healthier times, too.

I have such hopes for my life. I've not given up on them, in fact, I've got more hopes today than when I was a teen, or just out of school starting my career. Or even ten years ago when I moved across the country for a job. I want MORE from life, not less. I want to really learn in this challenging time how to set my own heart free. How to give myself permission to try really new things, the things I really want to try, the things that terrify me. I want to say YES to my life, to all of it -- the parts I understand and the parts that confuse me, the days where I feel loved and connected as well as the days where I feel a bit lost and alone. I want to really learn to appreciate these contrasts in my life, and to accept everything that arrives in my life as a wonderful gift.

I really want to find myself again. I feel like I'm in a tiny boat out at sea, and I can't see the shore. I'm not even paddling right now because I'm not sure what direction I want to go. Oh, Spirit, show me again how to close my eyes to see the road before me. Show me how to shut out the voices around me to hear the whispers of my own heart. Remind me of the immense pleasures from knowing that I'm paddling my best no matter what the weather or direction I'm facing, so I can trust myself again. Help me to find myself again. Help me to remember the way to the joy inside my own heart. Thank you for reminding me today of the importance of taking time out, and for a friend who truly loves me. Let me take a bit of that love deep into my memory. Remind me that I'm never really alone. Show me how to sort out these confusing feelings by standing quiet inside myself in spite of the storms that rage around me. Help me to find my way to my true home. That's what I really want.

Friday, October 25, 2002

Week 35
I've Been A Little Bad

I've managed to mostly switch off of the snacks sitting around my parents house, but I'm still not quite ON my program again. I'm counting points, and counting how far over I'm going each day. Which is a lot. But at least I'm eating mostly nutritious foods, and I'm still counting points. There have been some real struggles in my head, as I head to the snack dispense (i.e. KITCHEN) and stand with my hand about to grab something not good for my program, and the voice in my head says "Don't choose that -- there are better things available..." followed by "Don't" and again "Don't" until my hand starts to reach for something that isn't generally recognized as a snack food. So basically, I'm substituting good and marginal things for crap, still eating too much, but at least catching myself from eating horrible things. Sigh.

I've also been working too much this week. I didn't want to, but my client has a huge deadline today and they have been so flexible with me being off sick that I wanted to make sure they have what they need. Don't get me wrong, I haven't worked more than 40 hours this week, it's just that I only felt like working about 2/3 of the hours I actually worked. I've only got about an hour left to wrap things up, and I'm waiting for a set of revisions. The deadline will be met just fine. And I'm glad to do it, really.

It's less than 2 weeks until I return home, and I've been thinking about what I might find there. Dust and dirt everywhere, I'm sure. There will be lots of cleaning to do. The fridge will be full of rotten things, too, I'm sure. We got rid of the obvious things, but I'm sure there will be some additional food items that can't be eaten any more. Thankfully, the freezer will have some food for the first day or so, partly. I'm going to have to go to the grocery right away to have stuff I can eat. So between cleaning, resting from the trip, grocery shopping, and the usual daily household maintenance things, I should be busy for the first few days. And tired. My mom has asked if I'm going to extend my stay, and honestly, this afternoon I'm considering it. At the same time, I feel like I need to return home to finish my healing process, to be back in my usual environment, living my normal life, taking care of myself. Not sure what I'll decide to do.

I'm going to make something with chicken breasts for dinner tonight. Not sure what yet.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Week 35
Weigh In :-(

I gained 1.5 pounds this week, taking me right back where I was last week. I'm not discouraged, and in fact, I'm determined to do better.

I had a talk about this situation with my Mom today, and told her that it would help me if she didn't keep offering snacks to me. I don't mind if she buys them and if they are in the house, even in plain sight. I don't mind if they eat them in front of me. I've just asked her not to keep offering them to me. It's almost like she thinks it is rude to eat in front of me, so when I turn something down, like nachos or brownies... you get the idea... she asks me over and over and after a few times, I do give in. I know, my giving in just reinforces her behavior. So that is why I talked to her today. And tonight, she did better. She only asked me twice. :-) And I didn't give in.

I'm making a grocery list tonight and going shopping tomorrow afternoon. This way, I'll have more of my healthy snacks (fruit) sitting around so I can munch along with them if I can't resist. I mean, compared to potatoe chips or donuts, snacking on a huge pile of grapes will only do a little damage. I'm all for damage control, after all.

This afternoon, we went shopping and I bought a vest covered with Christmas themed embroidery. It's just a bit too small right now, and so I'm hoping that it will fit perfectly in late December. I'm going to leave it here for when I return. It was good to buy something like that. I have a Christmas sweater that USED to fit me, and I love wearing it thorugh the holidays. I can't wait to try it on when I get back. It's one of the few winter clothes items I didn't give away this summer.

I'm not going to make my goal to wear a size 18 jeans by the end of the year. I've lost so much time because of the surgery and recovery. I'm shifting that goal back a couple of months. And I'm preparing myself that I probably won't reach my end goal until the end of 2003. I had been hoping to be there by the summer. And I might be surprised by what happens once I get back home next month. But since I'm not in a rush, and because I believe that going slowly is the most healthy and means I'm more likely to keep the weight off -- adding some time to reach the goal isn't any problem. I've got a lot to do, a lot to learn, and lots more tweaking to my lifestyle between now and then. I'm really glad that I'm focused on a lifestyle change instead of a weight loss.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Week 35
Iota Count My Blessings

I've had an interesting week. I would estimate that I was 75% on track with my eating this week, and everything off track that I ate was from the Snack Heaven kitchen my Mom maintains. I really wanted to eat right. But what I learned about myself is that I don't resist temptation very well. Put me in a house with every conceivable snack food, and I'm going to sample some of them.

It's a good thing that I don't buy snack foods back home, otherwise, I would never have accomplished what I have so far this year. Maybe my success is really based on limited my access to temptation. I seem to really WANT to eat things that aren't good for me. I'll give myself some slack, and throw into the mix that I'm living under stressful circumstances, too. But I suspect that if my kitchen contained all of these goodies, I would be eating them at home, too.

All of this makes me wonder about myself, about the nature of the change I'm making. I'm changing my environment more than myself. I'm still a person who likes certain unhealthy foods. I've just changed my environment so that I a) don't have access to unhealthy options and b) do have access to healty things. I've changed some things about myself. I've learned to enjoy the process of cooking. I've changed my attitude about the importance of eating in my life. Actually, eating has become MORE important to me, important enough that I'm willing to invest time in groceries, recipes, and cooking -- where before I just gobbled something to fill me up so I could spend time doing "more important" things like working on projects. Now, cooking healthy meals has become a sort of priority project in my daily living.

But underneath all of the new, very good, and quite healthy habits I've developed, I'm still a person who likes snack foods. I just have the patience and perhaps wisdom to know that I can choose not to have them today. In fact, when I try to look at this new personal information in a detached way, I see that my prediliction for unhealthy foods is actually similar to being alcoholic. An alcoholic doesn't get cured, instead, they learn to choose not to drink one day at a time. I choose to eat healthy one day at a time. I don't mean that I'm somehow addicted to these unhealthy food choices, I mean that I can't make a decision and have it change what tastes good to me. I will always like these foods, and while I'm not driven to buy them for myself, I do realize that even my best habits of good choices can't remove the fact that these things taste good to me. I hope that over time, I will come to adore the healthy options so much, develop such a taste for them, that temporarily I don't seem to want these other things. That is exactly what I have been doing the last few months. And maybe that is really enough. Maybe I'm expecting too much from myself to think that I can just snap my fingers and practice new behaviors, and lose any interest in the unhealthy foods that I used to eat.

I don't know what the scales will say in the morning, and whatever happens, I'm OK with it. If I have gained this week, the week isn't a failure. I've observed myself with new eyes, and I've learned new things about myself. And I did stay 75% on track, a great accomplishment considering the challenges of living here. I'm going to focus on the good things, and just trust that in the big picture, a week of possible weight gain really doesn't matter one iota.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Week 34
My Bad

It's been a stressful few days, and I gave into it tonight and snacked out. Bad. Something like 15 points over. I'm not going to beat myself up over this, but I'm going to start tomorrow fresh, with my best dedication. I can do this. I can stay on my program and live with my parents at the same time. I know I can. I'm going to prove it to myself starting now.

I'm also going to TRY to write up the last chapter of my illness in the next couple of days.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Week 34
Trying Something New

I don't know what will come of it, but I'm trying the Think Yourself Thin project at iVillage. I'll be posting here how it is going. Let me know if you try it and we can compare notes.

I lost 1.5 pounds this week, down to 226.5 this morning.

More later!

Friday, October 11, 2002

Week 33
Boy, Do I Want A Snack

I can't sleep, so I'm up writing. Actually, what I want to be doing is eating... not because I'm hungry, and not because there is something I'm craving. I want a snack because there is a whole kitchen full of them just about 20 feet away from me. I want to snack because I'm tired, bored, and it's available. I'm writing here instead.

I've said that I call my Mom's kitchen Snack Heaven, and maybe you thought I was exaggerating. Let me tell what I know (from memory) is sitting on the counter right now. I'm afraid that if I go out to check, I'll find the temptation too great. There are: pumpkin cookies, Krispie Creme mini donuts, loaves of bread, hamburger buns, hotdog buns, pretzel sticks, malted milk balls, three different kinds of potatoe chips, about a half dozen of the new Doritos tubes of snacks, and other things that don't interest me. Any one of these, or several of these, sound really good to me. Well, maybe not the strictly bread items, but all of the rest. And, I know where she keeps actual candy in bags in a drawer under the oven, which includes Mentos, which are a personal weakness. See what I mean? This place is really Snack Heaven.

It's been pretty easy getting back into my program this week. My goal was just to get myself approximately back. I've gone over in points every day, but I've eaten healthy things with almost no snack items. I've had some chips with meals, I'll admit, but I measured out my alloted one ounce using my kitchen scale from home, about the only personal item I packed. It really helps to have fruit, fresh veggies, and interesting leftovers in the fridge. There is still a piece of the tuna casserole from several days ago. We've had sloppy joes for three dinners in a row! It wasn't my idea... they really loved them. I've got lamb chops in the freezer for tomorrow, but my Dad is really dragging his feet about them... he's never had them that he can recall, and he isn't much in the mood to keep trying new things.

Although he has been full of compliments for my cooking. Not the first two days, no, then he was making fun of me a bit. But after seeing everything turn out well, and after liking everything (he did say that he didn't want any more tunal casserole, though) he is full of compliments. Unfortunately, he is razzing my Mom at the same time, complaining a bit about her cooking. I jump in and defend her right away. She doesn't like to cook, but bless her heart, she has put a dinner on the table every night since they were married nearly 50 years ago. When I was growing up, we had warm food every night, and this from someone who really doesn't enjoy cooking. I give her a lot of credit for showing up day after day, year after year, decade after decade. I have no criticisms of her cooking.

That said, I will say that I learned my eating patterns here, and from what I've observed during this visit, I understand even more than I did before, that it has taken me all of these years to realize that there was a healthier way to eat, and put it in place in my own life. I have turned things around for my life this year. And being here, with the ingrained temptations and people encouraging me to fall into their existing habits of eating... and still getting on my program this week -- this is a major accomplishment and something I'm very proud of.

My Dad told me last night that he hates vegetables. No wonder I don't remember having many of them as a kid. I do remember eating a lot of spinach, which I loved, mostly because I wanted to be like Popeye. I walk through the produce section of the grocery, and I realize that I'm not a huge vegetable fan myself. There are lots of them that I'm just not excited to try or use. But I love green beans, corn, lettuce (all but iceberg!), carrots, peppers, brussel sprouts, some types of squash, pumpkin, mushrooms, and potatoes. I like a few more. I'm going to make an effort when I get back to Phoenix to expand my taste for veggies, try some recipes that use ones I don't normally eat. Let's see what happens.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Week 33
Eating Well

I'm officially back on my program starting this week, and althought it has not been my best week, I'm proud of my efforts. Like I suspected, once I had familiar foods around me, my appetite really shifted away from the snack foods to real foods. I've been over points every day this week, but at least it is because I've been eating nutritious foods instead of snack foods. And I've been close to my point range. There is room for improvement, and I know that with each day, I'm not only healing more, I'm getting refocused on my goal.

Tonight, we had sloppy joes, and I expect we will have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. I'm sure that my Mom appreciates having someone else do the cooking. She works a full day and still comes home to cook dinner every night, and this at 73 years old [wink]. It also helps me to feel like I'm contributing instead of just receiving. I told you, I'm not a very patient sick person. I went through a spell where she pretty much waited on me hand and foot because I was completely immobile and not feeling well. I'm glad to be able to get a better balance going.

At the start of the week, my weight was 228, which means I have lost 44.5 pounds. I'll update my progress chart when I return home. Until then, I'll be reporting my weight in my journal entries.

Monday, October 07, 2002

Week 33
Grocery Shopping

This afternoon, I made a huge grocery list and my Dad took me shopping. It's amazing how much more expensive fruit is here in the midwest... I guess I'm spoilt from being so close to California at home. Anyway, it was by far the most walking I've done at one time, and about 2/3 of the way through the store, I was limping and exhausted. But I made it, and I came home with a lot of yummy stuff.

For dinner tonight, I made the infamous tuna casserole. It was a hit, although my Dad doesn't care for things like that -- too bland he says. We have enough left overs for a few days of lunch. Mom and I will eat it. And I also bought stuff to make sloppy joes, lemon garlic chicken, and lamb chops. They will be great.

It is a bit challenging to cook in someone else's kitchen. First, it was just hard to find the tools I needed, pots and pans, measuring cups, measuring spoons -- the stuff of precision cooking. Then, there is the challenge of a lack of seasonings. My Mom doesn't add any seasonings to what she cooks, based on the evidence in her kitchen. I only bought two spices, they are so expensive that I didn't want to run up the grocery bill too much for things that I knew wouldn't be used after I left.

Anyway, today I'm back on track. It feels good. I'm proud of myself.

I'm considering this to be week 33 of my project. I'm going to skip over the weeks/months that I was sick, rather than consider them part of the plan. I won't be able to update my progress chart until I return to Phoenix, but I will post here my weekly weight. (If I remember to weigh-in tomorrow morning, that is!)
Getting Back on Track

For several days now, I've been planning to resume my Weight Watchers program, only to have a few challenging days in a row. I wouldn't call them BAD days... not compared to what I've been through. Just challenging. So, unless something unexpected happens, I'm planning to resume starting Monday. A fresh start on the first day of the week. Seems like a good plan.

But I must admit, I've been taking advantage of semi-guilt-free snacking the last few days. It's been interesting to observe how part of me really wants to dig into the snack food, and enjoys eating it. But I've had enough of it now, that the sane part of me, the part is really proud of what I've accomplished -- heck, the part of me that wanted to create the healthy lifestyle in the first place -- is starting to regain importance. I don't care if I never eat another [fill in snack food name here] the rest of my life. And I can say that with all of the conviction of my heart. It might be fun to indulge like this for a short time, but really, I want to be back on track, back eating healthy foods. I want to reach my goal!

One interesting challenge that has been there for me most of the time is the fear that I can't really get thin, or that if I reach a goal that is thin, I won't be able to maintain it. I will be grateful to be chubby instead of obese, let's be clear about that. But recently, I've been seeing a lot of weight loss commercials on TV where the women started out at about my goal weight, and then lost a bunch of weight to actually get thin. It puts my mental gymnastics into some perspective. For right now, I'm still not setting a goal. But I'm going to continue to push myself about this "don't get too thin" mentality. For heaven's sake, I'm not considering becoming anorexic -- just being a healthy size, maybe something like a size 10. For someone who can't ever remember being that small, not even in high school more than 25 years ago, that sounds really small. And after years of rationalizing to myself that being that weight isn't healthy, after all, no wonder I'm challenged to consider that as a goal, something I could maintain. I don't have to set any goal. I can lose a bunch now, and then decide to lose more later if I want. There are no rules, I'm making this up as I go. The only things I must do:

  • I must establish a healthy eating/exercise lifestyle
  • I must listen to my body and respond to it
  • I must establish a lifestyle that I can live with

Everything else is gravy. I mean, I would be really smart to take the advice of health care and nutritional experts, and to learn as much as I can about nutrition and general health. But that is just common sense, and so far, I trust myself to use my best common sense. I've been doing it so far.

I'm going to weigh myself when I wake up, and no matter what I weigh, it will be fine with me. It's the post-surgery starting point. I would LIKE to lose about 8 pounds before I head back to Phoenix, but since I don't know when I'll be going back, exactly, that goal isn't very important.

Let's just keep focused on the process and let the results take care of themselves.

P.S. I know that I owe you the rest of my illness story. It seems that the further away it gets in time, the less I want to spend any time thinking about it. I promise to wrap up the story very soon.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Age Is A State of Mind

One really funny thing happened while I was sick. My Mom and I found lots of things to have belly laughs about, after all, laughter is the best medicine (at least that is what I learned from Reader's Digest as a kid). Before my mom arrived, I told my friend a bit about my mom, how fiesty she is, and I mentioned that she is 73 years old. So, after she had been here for a few days, I asked my friend, in front of my Mom, if she was like I described. My friend said "yes" and I explained to Mom what I had said about her, including the part about her being 73.

As it turns out, I was out of my mind. She is no where near 73 years old. She was 67 at the time, and she didn't like me getting her age wrong, and in the least flattering direction. It was a totally honest mistake on my part, which I immediately blamed on my illness. Mom told everyone in the family about it, and it became a huge family joke.

Well, Monday was Mom's birthday, the one where she actually turned 68, and everyone, I mean EVERYONE in the family cashed in on the 73rd birthday. My sis sent her flowers and the card just said "Happy 73rd Birthday." The cake said 73. It was the topic of conversation the whole night.

My Mom says "paybacks are hell..." so I'm not sure what is planned for me.

I had already given her the presents I had for her when we got home from the hospital, so I wasn't expected to have another present for her this week. But I did order two things for her, both jokes, and I'm still waiting for both to arrive.
The ad selling autographed pictures of Jerry from his website.
First, there is this commercial for PCDI, one of these correspondence schools, that offers motorcycle repair. Seems that years ago, a guy rented a house that Mom managed and he worked on his greasy motorcycle in the living room and ruined the carpeting. So, every time that commerical comes on, Mom announces that she is going to take the motorcycle repair training course, and that she is going to work on it in the living room, sitting on the couch. It's a huge family joke that I just found out about. Well, I went out to their website, and ordered the course information for her. I expect it to arrive any day now, and I can't wait to hear her reaction when she brings in the mail.

Second, Mom loves the Jerry Springer show. She didn't seem to care for him when he was the mayor of Cincy, which is only about 45 miles from here. And she believes that all of the people on the show are actors. She doesn't believe any of it is true. At least this is what she says. So, being the trickster I am, I went out to Jerry's site and discovered that I could order an autographed photo of Jerry, so I did. I've told Dad what I did on this one, and he said that she can only hang the picture in the bathroom (so it will make it easier for him to reach the toilet before barfing). I know, I come from a very sick and twisted family, but certainly you already knew that from my wacko sense of humor, right?

Saturday, September 28, 2002

What is Important In Life

I promise to write more about my story later, but there is one gem, one thing that means a great deal to me, that I want to write tonight.

The day before I left the hospital, I had to go down to radiology to have a pick line put in. It's like a permanent IV located on the upper arm. They actually use an ultrasound machine to slide a tube into a vein towards your heart so that the medicine gets spread through your bloodstream very fast. It's done in a very scary room, and the whole idea of it had me quite terrified, to be honest. They rolled me into this huge room with all of this equipment and I was very scared. I asked them to explain what was going to happen. They said I would feel a prick when they gave me a shot of Novicane, and that I should not feel anything after that. They were exactly right. I decided to close my eyes so I couldn't watch the ultrasound, and laid there repeating my favorite morning prayer/chant to myself until it was done. It didn't take very long, and like I said, compare to how scared I was, the whole procedure was nothing. Painless. I was worried for nothing.

When I came out of that room, there was a woman in a wheelchair waiting to be next. They had to clean the room and equipment before she could go in. She was about 10 years older than me, and her lip was quivering. We made eye contact, and she asked me about the procedure. I told her what they had told me, that I closed my eyes, and that it really felt very much like getting a normal IV started. She still looked scared. I asked one of the technicians to move my chair over by hers. I reached out and put my hand on hers, and told her that it was really going to be OK, and that I had been scared too. Then, after a pause, she started sobbing. I put my arm around her, still holding her other hand. She tried to stop herself out of embarrassment, but I told her it was OK. She cried for several minutes, and then began to collect herself. One of the technicians had brought over a box of tissues by this time, and I felt like a mother soothing a child for a moment.

Then she began to talk, interrupted by more crying, and told me that she was a recently retired school teacher. I told her that I had taught school, and we talked about the miracles of touching the lives of students. Then, she told me that she was in the hospital because she has colon cancer, and that her husband was in the waiting room, and all of this time, she has never broken down and cried in front of him. With that, we both started sobbing, and I did my best to put both arms around her. After a few more minutes, she again composed herself, and asked me my name. I asked her name. I asked her if her faith was supporting her through this time, and she told me that it was the ONLY thing that was supporting her. I told her that I had been saying a prayer while they did the procedure, and suggested that she do the same. I told her that I would be praying for her, not only through this procedure, but through her surgery and beyond. And I have.

They came and wheeled her into the room for her procedure, and someone else came and took me back to my room. But I was not the same person who had left the room just 45 minutes earlier. My heart was broken open with the humanity of another person. I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I'll never be the same. As I thought about what had just happened, I realized that I had just had one of the most important moments of my life. Maybe in the grand scheme of time, it won't make the top ten moments, but I had reached out to another person in a time of need, and offered the full compassion of my heart to them. It didn't matter that she was previously a stranger to me, and that I will most likely never see her again. What matters is that my heart touched another heart and we were both comforted.

I've thought for many years that my basic life priorities were pretty good, that I was pretty much on target. Of course, there are always adjustments, always blind spots, and always new things to learn. But my hospital stay, and the realization that I was near death when I was rolled into surgery, have adjusted some of my priorities. Some of the changes I can talk about, others are gut-level reactions that happen at the oddest times, or so it seems to me. My new priority for my life is the quality of my daily living. Am I making the most of the moments that I have before me? Am I taking care of myself? Am I finding a balance of work and fun? Am I open, and is my heart available to the hearts of other people, even strangers? I'm sure you will find me writing about these changes over time as I continue this blog.

My parting thought for you: Are you taking care of yourself? Do you live a daily life where you are being the person that you want to be, where you are balancing the demands placed on you? As you wrestle to figure out how to do this, know that I am over here doing the same thing.
Sick of Being Sick

I'm having a hard time being patient with myself. I'm not a very good sick person. I'm usually so busy and so productive and so full of new ideas that this whole thing of laying around, being too tired to do much more than sleep, and not even feeling like talking with people is really frustrating me. To make it worse, my Dad is starting to complain that I'm napping too much, and that I shouldn't have been so weak tonight to cry when I was in pain. So when I'm being honest with myself, crying when I feel the need for that release, or napping when I'm too exhausted to keep going, now I've got to defend myself. He means well. But I told my Mom this was going on and asked he to talk to him about not trying to manage me so much. I expect that he didn't like hearing me cry because it hurts him to hear me cry, and not for the bullshit reason he gave me to stop crying. It's not like I spend my day wiping my face with tissues. I'm not one to feel sorry for myself -- in fact, I drive myself harder than anyone else. Hmmmm maybe I learned this little "trick" from my Dad while growing up.

I don't mean to complain about my living arrangement. I'm damn grateful that I have a place to be where people love me and want to help me. I would have made it work if I was living alone at home, but my goodness this is so much easier on me. I know in my heart, though, that I won't be really back to normal, back to myself, until I'm back home, sleeping in my own bed, and living my own life again. But for now, I'm learning to be more patient with myself (and with my Dad) and to listen, really listen, to what my body is telling me. I've been so driven, so productive, especially in the last year, that I've not heard a lot of messages from my own body. Even with the great health project/goal I've undertaken, and even with the fabulous success I've had, I can see today that I'm learning even more about how to live a healthy lifestyle while I'm recovering from my surgery. Not to mention the time I've spent thinking about what happened to me over the last 6 weeks.

Like most people, I learned my eating habits in my childhood, so you might imagine that being back at home, Snack Heaven as I've started calling it, has been quite a challenge for me. At first I completely resisted the snacks, mostly because I didn't have much appetite. But as I'm exercising more and getting stronger, I've started to discover that my morning fruit salad doesn't seem quite as special or delicious compared to the breakfast junk food that literally covers one part of the kitchen counter. I'm finding that my taste for unhealthy, high point and low nutrition foods has returned very quickly. While I had said that I wasn't going to worry about points, the last two days I've made a real effort to eat as close to healthy as I can. I'm going to give my mom a grocery list tomorrow for her next trip, and I hope by the middle of the week to really be back on Weight Watchers. The temptations are strong here, and if I don't get some healthy stuff around me, I really will start to gain back some of my lost weight. It will take a bit of willpower and determination, but I'm still as committed to my goal of creating a healthy lifestyle TODAY as I was when I first started this journey... and perhaps a bit more since my recent illness. It's a little sooner than I had thought because I'm not feeling great yet, but I can't ignore the fact that I've noticed that I'm choosing snack foods when they are offered to me. Time to reign things in and follow my heart again.

Thanks for bearing with me during my recovery process. I wish I had more to say, I wish I had more interesting things to say, and I wish I had more encouraging things to say. I'm hanging in there, and I hope that some of you are finding something honest and helpful in what I'm experiencing.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Pushing Myself, Maybe Too Much

On Sunday, I was walking laps inside my parent's house which got really boring. I don't like a treadmill -- I like to get out and walk the streets of my neighborhood. So, I decided that I would take a walk around my parent's house. I ended up walking around the block, which I found out later was just under one mile. Way too far for my first real walk. About 2/3 of the way around, I realized my mistake and decided that I should be taking a cell phone with me so I can call for help if I need it. I made it fine, walking very slowly. But when I reached my parent's front sidewalk, and had to step up one step, my whole leg quivered and I knew I had pushed too far. I immediately went inside, confessed my indiscretion to my parents, promised to take a cell phone in the future, and TOOK A NAP.

Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, so the whole family was here tonight. I was way too tired for all of that activity with my four neices and nephews, my bro and sis, and the in-laws. I had to take a break in my bedroom in the middle of it all -- too much noise, too much activity, too much conversation. I don't even take every phone call that comes in for me! So it was a big day, a huge day, and I'm looking forward to having both parents go to work tomorrow and have some real quiet time, at least in the morning.

I do have some unofficial news for you. While I had lost a lot of weight in the hopsital, according to my parent's scales, I've now lost 50.5 pounds. Since I'm not really resuming Weight Watchers for at least another week, I realize I may actually gain a bit this week. But I'm just so glad to be breathing in and out, and glad to be eating solid foods (after three weeks of full liquids), and glad to have an appetitite, that I'm not one bit worried about what will happen to my weight before I resume my program.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

Chapter 3

Thanks for bearing with me. I am trying to pull the story together and I've noticed that I'm not telling it in chronological order. If I repeat myself, I'm sorry. I'm trying to be expedient, but I'm not fully myself these days.

In the midst of waiting for the muscle relaxers to work, my friend Christine, the massage therapist who was working on me, recommended another doctor that she adores, and so I went to see him. He's also an ND (Naturopath), and he gave me a series of homeopathic injections in the sore area around my buttocks which had started to develop. I liked him, but overall, I didn't think this treatment was accomplishing anything. The sore spot continued to grow until I had something that I called a boil on my backside.

By the time I got to my second appointment with my regular doc, he took one look at my "boil" and told my friend to take me to the ER because it was more than he could take care of in his office. Not being familiar with the hospitals in my area, I took my friend's recommendation of Phoenix Baptist without asking any questions. I was in too much pain to argue, anyway. We arrived about 2 pm, and went through the usual ER waiting room stuff. Except that this one woman insisted that I sit on this hard white plastic wheelchair. I tried, I really did, but I couldn't even get all the way down. She argued with me, that other people with similar problems have been able to use the chair, like I was just being uncooperative. My solution was to lay face down on the waiting room floor in front of a row of empty chairs. It was the only option available to me. After a few minutes, a nurse came and got me and put me into a bed in the back. It didn't change my position in the triage, but I was much more comfortable. I was grateful to be shown this compassion.

After a while, a sort of technician came to work on me. He wasn't a doc, and honestly, I'm not sure if he was a nurse or what. He was friendly, and I learned that he had been working in that ER for just over 20 years. He apologized that he couldn't give me much in the way of pain relief, and that he would have to lance and drain my "boil." Yep, I screamed. A lot. I asked him to give me a wet towel to bite and I grabbed to the underside of the bed with both arms so I wouldn't move around on him. The pain was horrible, but it didn't last that long, maybe 10 minutes of working on me. Then, other people came by, and I left with prescriptions for antibiotics and pain killers, and instructions to see my family doctor in two days for a follow up. I was never so glad for pain pills in my life.

Tired, will write more later.

Today's update: I'm alone in the house for a few minutes (they don't leave me alone much) and I went for a walk. My brother lives 2 doors down from my parents, and I walked down there. I was hoping that he would be home so I could rest a bit, but no one was there. I had to turn around and walk back. I was so tired about half way back, I thought I was going to have to sit down along the road for a minute, but I made it all the way without stopping. Total walking distance: perhaps 200 yards.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Chapter 2

In the middle of August, I was feeling tired and knew something was off. I thought I needed rest. What was actually wrong with me didn't make itself obvious for quite a long time, so there was a series of explorations and, quite honestly, missteps in treating me, causing the delays that actually put my life in danger. I want to tell the story, but I want more than anything to tell the story of the miracles that happened. The facts are not as important to me as the examples of extraordinary kindness and compassion that were showered on me during this time. So please continue to bear with me as I pull together the story for myself and share it with all of you.

I'm feeling much better every day, and today has been a very good day. I slept for almost 12 hours last night, and my day has consisted of 2 hot baths (mostly to soak my incision), a shower, some unpacking (I'm staying with my parents for my recovery), some short conversations with my nephews and sister, a short walk around the backyard, and a nap. And now a few minutes using my brain and fingers writing here.

All of these things are getting much easier because it has been several days since my IVs ended. I was receiving an antibiotic call Primaxin prescribed by an infectious diseases doctor during my hospital stay. I was on it for just over 2 weeks. While I was in the hospital, it was much easier because the nurses would just come into my room and I could basically sleep through the process, which I learned that they call an "infusion." Once I came home, it was up to me and my Mom to set the alarm for 7 am/1pm/7pm/1am, prepare the drug, and infuse myself, a process that involved saline and heperin, an blood clotting agent. Of course, if you are familiar with IVs, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's not brain surgery, but for a sick person who is already exhausted, it is a bit to learn and take on at first. Once I had done about 4 of them, I was not nervous or skittish about doing them. The good thing is that each day that I'm further from the end of the drug, the clearer my mind is becoming and the easier it is for me to do complex motor tasks, like typing.

The illness revealed itself slowly, showing symptoms that lead me in many other directions. If I had known from the start what was wrong, I would have acted very differently... but at the time, and given my bent towards natural and wholistic medicine, I made the best choices I could at the time. Mistakes were made. But fortunately, there was enough time left at the end that they could save my life.

You can see from my journal entries in the middle of August, I wasn't doing well. I thought I was working too much, and had been working too hard too long without a break. All of that was true, but it wasn't a factor in what was going on inside of me. My first real symptom was that I realized my hips were out of alignment. I knew this because when I would lay on my bed and move, they would pop and crack a bit. Then, I started to feel some pressure in my colon right above my hips. I thought the two were related. I suddenly found that I couldn't sit down without pain. I could only lay on my stomach across my bed. By Saturday morning, Augusut 17th, I knew things were serious, but still just through I had a back/hip alignment problem that was impacting my colon. Early that morning, I called my yoga teacher to ask for some advice. She recommended a natual product that would help my colon to relax, and offered to have one of her early morning students drop a few capsules at my front door about 9 am.

About 9 my doorbell rang, and there stood a woman I had never met. She not only dropped off the pills, she came in to help me for a few hours, and ended up staying for a week. Her name is Mirna and even though she is flesh and blood and has her own life problems, to me, she will always be an angel. She would fix me a breakfast of fresh fruit every morning, my Weight Watchers routine, and would bring me various soups and other liquids throughout the day. I had put myself on a liquid diet until the colon issue resolved, thinking it would make things easier. Meanwhile, I started calling my doc's pager service. I never got a returned call the whole weekend (which later really upset my doc, but more on that later) and I continued to lay across my bed for two more days, waiting for Monday morning when I hoped to get an emergency appointment. Mirna never left my side during this time. My hip got worse, my stomach pain got worse, and the capsules didn't seem to help. The only position that didn't put me into immediate sharp pain was to lay on my stomach. Even laying on my side or back was nearly impossible for more than a few minutes at a time.

Monday morning, I reached my doc's office and they fit me into their schedule for later that morning (the 19th). I've written about that visit in Chapter 1. During the next few days, my colon pain got worse, and my body got more tense, even with the muscle relaxers. I had a friend come by daily to massage me to help my body to relax. I was determined to do anything I could think of to help this situation to clear up.

Getting tired, will have to write more later.

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Chapter 1

My story is very long and my energy level is still very low, so I'm going to try to post bits of it every few days.

First, let me say that the 8 months or so I spent on Weight Watchers improving my overall health has been a big factor in my nearly miraculous recovery. At one point, while in the hospital, I had lost another 15 pounds, but that was due to the illness and surgery. I haven't officially weighed myself since the last posting on my weight progress chart. And I don't plan to do so for several more weeks, because right now getting my health and strenght back is more important than points. Althought I am somewhat watching them, and am eating very healthy.

It's strange to me to see that my post on the 15th was about my illness. I scheduled my first doctor appointment for the following Monday, bear with me because I am having a lot of trouble with numbers (thanks to the drugs I'm on). By that time, I had a pain in my lower intestine, almost like being constipated but different. And my hip and back were out of alignment -- I could hardly stand up and couldn't sit down. By the 15th, I was only sitting up for short spells, and spent most of my time laying across my bed on my stomach.

A friend took me to that first doctor appointment (the friend's help is one of the many miracles I'll tell you about later), and the doc gave me pain pills and muscle relaxers so he could adjust my spine and hips a few days later. He's a naturopath, and ND, and I adore him and natuorpathic medicine. During those few days, I kept getting worse. I had someone come to give me some massages to help me to relax so my doc could fix me. But nothing was working. When I went back to the doc, I was still a mass of tight muscless and he couldn't adjust me. At that time, we thought that was all that was wrong, and that the intestine problem was related to my hips being so out of whack.

During my entire illness, I have received help from real friends and total strangers, receiving more help and compassion and information that I ever believed was possible. I've always worked to be self reliant, so being ill and helpless was a tough experience for me, teaching me a lot about what is important in life and surprising me so much by the kindness of other people. It's made me realize that I don't have to live my whole life like such a warrior -- that I can ask for help and I can work with other people to fill in the places where I'm not so strong. This may sound simplistic, but after laying for two weeks across my bed, being fed and assisted with every little thing by other people, I am forever changed.

Gettting very tired... ending for today.

Monday, September 09, 2002

What's Up

Hello cyber friends and visitors. I've not posted because I've been very sick. I've been in the hospital and I nearly died two weeks ago. I'm doing much better, I've glad to be alive and have have home health care nurses here in and out all day. My mom in Ohio dropped everything to come out and take care of me.

My illness is NOT related to my dieting. I'm exhausted writing just this, but I promise to write more of this story as I have the energy. I can't retrieve emails yet, so please don't write to me. I am still gratefully breathing and present on this planet. Remember me in your heart or your prayers

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Week 32
One Sick Puppy

Yup, that's me. I'm sick, have been since the weekend. Nothing serious, mostly it is like the flu with a low grade fever, with some other symptoms just to keep things interesting. I've been thinking that I should go swimming tomorrow afternoon, mostly to get the creaks out of my body by floating in the water. The bathtub just isn't deep enough! And in Phoenix, this time of year, the pool will be like a hot bathtub, only with chlorine instead of bath salts. I can take it.

The Mango Treats (see below) were a great hit these last few days. Wonderful idea. I'm going to try to make up some more in the next week or so.

Otherwise, if you aren't seeing posts here or at Trivium or Glimpse, it's because I'm sleeping most of the day. And having some weird dreams, but I'm blaming them on the fever.


Monday, August 12, 2002

Week 32
Extremely Optimistic!

Those of you who are struggling through personal changes, whether you are working to lose weight, quit smoking, or any other personal improvement project, you know how discouraging it can be to go through a time of setbacks. I'm feeling very happy today, not just because of my weigh loss yesterday. This morning, my normal weigh-in day, I went into the kitchen and saw the scales still sitting on the floor, and hopped on. I didn't expect any change from yesterday, so imagine my JOY when I realized I'd lost another pound. I'm not recording this weight, so that additional loss isn't official (at least not until next week) but it is enough to make me a very happy camper tonight. Very happy.

So, tonight I decided to make my own treats up. When I was at the grocery, I purchased this items as my variation on a Weight Watcher's recipe I found this week for ice cream sandwiches. Here it is:

30 ginger snaps
1/2 c mango sorbet

1. Warm 1/2 c sorbet enough to scoop.
2. Scoop 1 tbs of sorbet on a cookie and top with another cookie.
3. Place in freezer bag and place in freezer until firm, at least one hour.

Servings: 5 (3 sandwiches) Points: 3

Tip: To reduce the points even further, select cookies that are lower in points.

Sunday, August 11, 2002

Week 32


I wasn't planning to weigh myself until tomorrow, but I thought that I would check and see what direction things are going today, and I got such good news that I decided to make it official. After 5 weeks of floundering, of weight gains and lost focus, and even before I had really sat down to think all of this through -- I've got a 1.5 pound weigh loss. That puts me about where I was on week 28, and 1/2 pound from my lowest weight to date.

I think the tide has turned.

One thing I've been doing this week is forcing myself to drink water. I put a 20 oz glass in the bathroom, and every time I stop in, I've forced myself to fill it and drink it. Needless to say, that has caused me to return to the bathroom more times than usual during the day, which means I've been drinking A LOT thes last few days. And with the summer heat in Phoenix, this is a good thing so I can avoid even a bit of dehydration, not to mention that I think it has had a positive effect on how my body has been working.

I still need to take some time to think about the lack of focus and get myself refocused, and I've scheduled some time for that on Friday afternoon, out of the office. I'll let you know what I discover during this time.

But in the meantime, I'm thrilled.

Friday, August 09, 2002

Week 31
Taking This Very Seriously

I still seem to be in a plateau, and I sense that I'm doing/not doing things that are contributing to it. This is more than just a normal physical phase I'm going through -- it's involving my thoughts and emotions. Like I said in an earlier post, I seem to have lost my focus. I've lost my appetite, too. I'm not eating nearly enough. Isn't that strange? I'm forcing myself to drink most of my water each day.

I am not sure what is happening, but I'm taking this very seriously. I'm not skating through it with an "oh well" attitude. I'm not sure what I need to do. I thought tonight about the idea of returning to meetings, and I might do that. I'll decide next week. But I suspect that I just need to really sit myself down and examine my goals again, and decide again that this is the route I'm committed to taking. Maybe I'll learn something about what I'm resisting through this process. Maybe I'll have a new revelation.

I'm totally swamped with work right now, and will be for about another week. I don't want to ignore what is going on, but at the same time, I've got enough on me right now without adding to it. I'm going to hit the grocery this afternoon and get enough good stuff that is easy to fix to get me through this deadline crunch, and then, I'm going to take a day off and work this out.

In an interesting note, I found the most wonderful recipe on the Weight Watchers site today. I'm not sure if they will let the link work, but I've tried. I don't have the time to fix it this week, but who knows... maybe the day that I take off for myself and my goal setting could start off with this wonderful breakfast.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Week 31
Stages of Change

Well, I am a bit low on points, but overall, its' been a good food day. I don't feel like my focus is back, but then, I'm not so worried about how I feel. As long as I act according to the plan, the feelings will eventually come around. Feelings come and go, but action is where a lifestyle happens. Healthy actions = healthy lifestyle, even when things are in a slump. I've had a lot of pressure on me these last few weeks, and will for another two weeks. So I suspect that my feelings are being influenced by this. All I can do is keep going, and do my best to remember what it felt like when things were in focus.

Many years ago (more than 10), I ran across some information about changes, the stages that a person goes through during any change. I used to teach this in my journal writing workshops, and I have used it at work on every single project I've ever done. I don't know who came up with this idea to give them credit. I got this idea from someone else, but I've made it my own.

Stages of Change
  1. Unconsious Incompetence The first stage of every change happens before you make any change. You are going along, life as normal, not knowing that you need to make a change, or that a change is around the next corner.
  2. Consious Incompetence The second stage of every change is that awkward time when you are painfully aware that something is wrong, but you don't yet know what to do with it. You don't know how to solve the problem or what to do. You may need additional information, and you are in the process of deciding what course of action to take.
  3. Consious Competence The third state of any change is the time when you are focusing on your new ideas and new skills, and stumbling a bit as you use them. It takes your ongoing effort for you to keep fighting your old ways to make the change happen. You must catch yourself doing your old behavior or thinking your old thoughts so you can decide to do your new thoughts and behaviors. This is the time when your old habits are being broken down, and your new habits feel awkward. Hang in there -- things will get better!
  4. Unconsious Competence The last stage of any change is the successful completion of the change. You recognized a problem, you resolved it, and you have learned the new skills, information and habits you need to go back to just living your life without thinking about this change. Thanks to your work in the third stage, your new behavior has become a habit. Hurray!

For a while, I've been in stage 3, where my new healthy lifestyle habits are being formed, and they are replacing my old unhealthy habits. It's hard to tell, sometimes, when things are easier because you are backsliding, or things are easier because you have worked hard and now the new habits are really kicking in. In both situations, you may feel good, things feel easy. But one is a healthy place to be, and the other, well, the other needs more work and attention.

Some part of my new lifestyle are still in stage 3, and a few have really graduated to stage 4. I suspect that the overall length of time to make this huge change and to be totally out of stage 3 is longer than the 31 weeks I've been doing this. I don't know how long it will take me, and I think this will be different for everyone. But what is important, I think, is to understand where you are in the change process, and to understand that all of this takes time. After all, I didn't put the weight on in 31 weeks... and it would be unreasonable for me to expect to have my healthy lifestyle completed in a short time.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Week 31
Starting To Figure It Out

After two consecutive weeks with gains, I'm very pleased to announce that I've gained 0 pounds this week! I've also lost 0 pounds this week. And I'm happy about it.

It's been a month now since I've had a weight loss, and I can tell you, something is very different these last weeks. It's not just the results, something in my thinking is also different. I've lost my focus on my goal. I've been eating just to stop feeling hungry, not to create a balanced meal that meets my body's real needs. Not all of the time, and I'm not eating horrible things. But I've not been on target in my head, the target being a healthy lifestyle. Food and eating have been a hinderance, an annoyance, to the rest of my schedule. I have to tell you, that is part of the attitude that got me into this mess in the first place. So it isn't surprising that the old way of thinking has found a way back into my life.

I am going to think and write more about this later, because I believe it is important for me to understand this part of me better. Taking care of myself isn't some annoying thing that I have to do before I can do the things I really want to do. Taking care of myself is part of joy of daily living, at least that is what it used to be, and what I want it to be. Whether that is grooming, or even keeping my household running smoothly, all of these things are vital and important for my lifestyle.

I'm just grateful that I've realized what is going on inside my head. And I'm grateful that I didn't gain any more last week. I'm going to get past this roadblock, and keep making my life into what I want it to be. That's my promise to myself. I'm not giving up, I'm not throwing in the towel (that beautiful red Ralph Lauren towel, that is!), and I'm not letting a little hurdle break my stride.

More soon!

Sunday, August 04, 2002

Week 31
Dieting News

I've just been out reading at Big Fat Blog, and boy, do they have some interesting articles. If you haven't been there, or haven't been there for a while, I think you will enjoy your reading time.

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Week 30
A Reward Idea

I'm going to spill the beans... I've got an idea for a new reward for when I reach my goal. It's something that I have honestly never considered doing before, and in fact, it is something that I used to think only, ahem, rednecks did. (I'm sorry if my use of such a term offends someone!) I'm considering getting a tattoo on my bod, a small piece of body art in a place that I've not seen for years because of all of the extra weight. I haven't decided for sure, but the idea is getting more and more attractive all the time to me. I'm not even sure what I would put on me, but I'm thinking something small and meaningful, like maybe a small butterfly to symbolize the transformation aspect of my reaching my goal.

No decision will be made about this until I actually reach my goal. But if I do it, I'll post a pic here, I promise!
Week 30
Catching Up

It's late, but I want to post just a few things:

Veggie burgers -- YUM! I loved them... I only have 1 pattie left and plan to eat that one tomorrow. I'm going to try the other brands recommended by visitors, but even these Gardenburger Mushroom I loved.

Today's points: way below again. If you read here, you know that I have spent plenty of time wanting to eat more, but that wanting was more of a nervous kind of eating, not about hunger. Right now, I seem to be eating when hungry. I'm grateful for that! So my plan to eat more at breakfast didn't work today, but I'm going to keep trying. It's hard for me to want to eat much in the morning -- a little bit and I'm happy. Maybe I will try to add a mid-morning snack instead of eating it all at once.

Water consumption is still below what it should be, what it used to be. I'm working on this, too.

Working all weekend, taking Monday off.

One last thing -- I encouraged Debbie at Rites of Passage to reward herself for small goals along the way. She asked for some suggestions. Here is a reposting of my comment with some ideas of things that I do for myself.

Hey, glad to give you some starters. I try to avoid money rewards, just because I don't want to replace ONE kind of problem with another (debt)!

What I treat myself with:

A long soak in the tub, with nice smelling stuff, time to really apply lots of lotion, maybe even a facial mask, a few pages of a good book... A sort of mini-spa.

A trip window shopping for beautiful things. I like to spend a few hours walking in the galleries in Scottsdale... the art is way to expensive to even consider buying, but it is beautiful and it gives my heart a lift.

I slip away to a favorite coffeeshop with great atmosphere and drink a TEA (iced in the summer) and write in my journal. And watch people. And listen to live music, usually a guy playing acoustic guitar.

I slip away for a couple hour drive alone in my truck. Since I live in the center of a huge metro area, it takes a while on the highway to reach the open desert. So I drive for an hour or so, stop, get a drink, walk around, take some pictures, and drive back. Nothing relaxes me more than being able to see all the way to the horizon! The wonderful Arizona scenery is just icing on the cake.

New used book shopping. We have a wonderful used book store here, and I will go through my bookshelf and pull out some books that I won't read again, and I trade them in for store credit. I can usually take in a few books and swap them for a few different ones at the store. New books, and they are FREE! Love it. And I have a few hours of looking at things that are interesting -- I skim through a bunch of books before selecting the ones that will go home with me.

Make a short list of things that make you happy, it can be anything simple, and then schedule a bit of it.

Friday, August 02, 2002

Week 30
What I'm Learning

This has been an interesting week thanks to the things I'm learning about my eating from my online Weight Watchers journal. Well, maybe just one big thing: I'm not eating enough. Every day this week, I've had 7 or more points left over at the end of the day, some days as high as 10 or more. What's up with this? And have I always been under points? I suspect that being under would be a reason why my weight loss has been slighly slower, and I suspect it is a factor in my recent plateau (which I hope is now over).

I'm a bit shocked to realize that I need to eat more points. I mean, I've always thought that the reason I put on the weight was because I either a) ate too much, or b) ate things that were too point laden. I don't have any way to know about the past, except for the past two weeks, and I can tell you that I haven't reached the top of my goal points any day during this time.

I'm not holding back, I'm not starving myself to try to lose faster. In fact, I'm not recording most of my food intake until the end of the day, so I don't even know I'm under until the day is over. There isn't any chance I'm forgetting things. I believe I'm getting a totally accurate point count.

So, knowing this, what am I going to do now?

First, I'm going to beef up my breakfast eating. I've been averaging 2 points each morning, and loving my breakfast. But of all my meals, breakfast has the fewest points by far. I'm not sure right now what I will switch to, but a change is needed.

Second, I'm going to make sure that I only have one salad a day. Sure, they are great, tasty, and filling, but they are low in points. Maybe I can start adding some goopy stuff, like cheese or avacado to them, to bulk them up a bit without increasing the size. Eating avacado would hardly be a hardship!

Third, I'm going to look back at what I used to eat, and see if there is anything that I eliminated from my meals that I might want to bring back. Pizza will be an option when it is cooler outside, and it is high in points. But until then... I don't know. I'll think about it.

What a strange "problem" to have. I thought only recovering anorexics and actors preparing for unusual roles had to force feed themselves! But here I am, an unlikely member of that group. But this is only a slight adjustment for me, not an all-out pigfest.

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Week 30
Surprise -- Bad News

When I weighed in the last time, after my bad Sunday, I had a problem with the place where I record my weight. So I couldn't actually record it then. I thought I knew what I was talking about when I said I had a zero loss. In reality, it turns out that I had a 1.5 pound gain. And today, when I weighed myself, I had another 1/2 pound gain.

I'm surprised. Not so much with last week, because I knew I had blown it. And I have eaten out a lot since then, and had trouble that night with bread sticks. But I didn't expect to have a gain this week.

I have been feeling a bit plateaued lately, but until today I didn't KNOW that I was on one. It's probably a really good thing that I've been doing so much work on my journaling since signing up on e-tools. Remember that I had a feeling that if I would tighten up just a bit, I would resume my weight loss? Well, that was right on, and it is a bit strange now to realize that I had just started a plateau when I felt that.

I'm not worried about gaining 2 pounds in the grand scheme of things. These have not been my best two weeks. I am a bit surprised to realize that what I was doing caused a gain because apart from that bad Sunday, I thought everything was going fine. One thing I have noticed is that I've been slacking off on the water, so for the last few days I've been drinking a lot of it.

On the very positive side, I've been eating a lot of salad, not because I thought I should, but because I wanted them. Yep, I think I'm becoming a real salad eater in the last couple of months. That is a good thing, and a real sign to me that my lifestyle change is really happening. My taste in foods is changing. I'm starting to really like healthy things. All of this is very good news, and very encouraging to me.

So, now that I know things have been in the crapper for a couple of weeks, what am I going to do? Nothing special, just follow the program to the letter for a while, to make sure that any sloppiness or laziness disappears from my daily living. Heck, in a good week I'll lose that 2 pound gain, and very soon I know I'll be reporting weekly weight LOSSES again. Maybe as soon as next week.

As I look over my weight loss chart, I can see the the pace of my weight loss has really dropped off since I stopped going to meetings. Coincidence? Probably not. It's not that the meetings were so magical, because I was bored with most of them. But I think that since I stopped going, I've also slipped into a way of living where my food hasn't had the same kind of attention as before. That's what I mean by sloppiness and laziness in my daily living. I think it is time for me to really recommit to my goals, and resume my former diligence about food matters.

I also notice that my weight loss slow down also coincides with the last issue of The Skinny. Another coincidence? Probably not. I think writing those newsletter was helping ME more than I realized. I'll see how my schedule looks, and resume them ASAP.

I Can Do It -- And You Can Do It

It takes a lot of work to change your life, not just changing your weight. Any personal change takes work and commitment. And yet, it seems that the smallest bit of effort I made very quickly snowballs so that a little effort really has a pretty big effect. Watching myself change my body has given me a sense of personal power that has been wonderful. As you know from my posts here, I've been amazed at the feeling I've had that I can take on any project, that I can make any change in my life. I really believe that is true. Not only can I take myself to my goal weight (whatever that is!) but I can make other changes in my life. Just because I have never been successful in this area before doesn't mean that I can't make my life into what I want. I'm willing to do the work to get there, and I'm willing to stand firm when the going is tough, because I believe in my heart that I can do this. And I am doing it. This is just a minor course adjustment now. I'm back on track, and expecting great things over the next weeks and months.
Week 30
Wonderful New Recipe

I eat a lot of chicken. And this week, I found a new recipe at the Weight Watchers site that involved chicken with two of my favorite things: tequila and jalapenos. I've modified the recipe only slightly. It was so delicious, I'm glad that I made enough for another meal.

Tequila & Jalapeno Chicken Salad
Adapted from a recipe found on the Weight Watcher's website

2 4oz chicken breasts, boned and skinned
1/4 red onion, chopped
1 medium jalapeno, seeded and chopped
2 garlic clove
1 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp olive oil
2 tbsp tequila
1/8 cup lime juice
[note: the remaining ingredients can be substituted with whatever salad fixings you like]
4 lettuce leaves
2 cup spring salad mix, fresh or from a bag
2 mushrooms
2 tbsp parmesean cheese
1/2 carrot sliced thin

1. Add all ingredients except chicken and a small portion of the onion into a blender or food processor and blend into a puree.
2. Cut chicken breasts into bite sized pieces. Add puree and chicken to a container with a lid, making sure to cover the chicken with the marinade. Refrigerate several hours.
3. Remove chicken from marinate and throw away marinade.
4. Place chicken on grill and cook thoroughly.
5. While chicken is cooking, make up the salads. Add chicken to the top and serve.

Serves: 2 approximately 5 points per serving

Just a reminder: be careful handling raw chicken. Be sure to wash any utensils and the cutting board before using them for anything else. Also, you can't use the left over marinade for anything else, so make sure to throw it away.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Week 30
Oh, The Pressure

I'm sneaking a break online when I should be doing client work. It is so funny to feel like I'm sneaking, since I'm working from my home office, wearing PJs, and haven't been out of the house for two days. It is just the overwhelming sense that I have DEADLINES and that I'm behind... it makes me feel like I don't deserve to take 30 minutes out of my day to read the blogs and post. Of course I can find 30 minutes in my whole day. But I woke up late, and that started me off feeling behind, and I really AM behind of my client project, and I have other things that must be done very quickly or else there will be consequences. I'm strapped, and there is no relief in sight for a couple of weeks at least.

With everything on my mind, I keep forgetting to weigh in. I'll try to remember tomorrow morning. Maybe I should go downstairs now and pull the scales out from beside the fridge and leave it laying on the floor where I can't miss it when I go to get my breakfast and feed the kitty. (I wonder if that would actually work...)

Even with this stress, I have been taking the time to keep my food journal at It's going faster now that most of my food choices are already entered as favorites. I banked three points yesterday. I've got dinner marinating right now... another WW receipe. Tequilla / Jalapeno Chicken. I'm going to grill the chicken and then cut it up and put it over a huge salad. A bit of honey mustard dressing for some zing. I can't wait.

Oh, and I tried something interesting last night. Along with my lamb chop with kiwi mint sauce, I had french cut green beans from a can. I really like the fresh, but I knew that I didn't have that much time this week. So, to make the canned stuff taste better, I sprinkled in some lemon pepper, and added 1/8 tsp of ground corriander. It was fabulous! It added just a hint of new flavor to the beans, which normally have a canned veggie taste. Think about adding a bit of seasoning to make any packaged food taste just a bit better, a bit more interesting than straight from the can or box. I picked corriander because it went with the rest of my meal. And I love lemon pepper, and key lime pepper, too.

I think tomorrow's lunch may be a veggie burger!

Monday, July 29, 2002

Week 30
Trying New Things

It was an interesting week last week, and it is shaping up to be another interesting week this week, but for a different reason. Last week, I ended up eating out A LOT. For someone who hasn't been eating out, not even once a week, I did a tour de force on Phoenix restaurants last week. I made good choices, had some challenges (garlic bread!) and generally had a great time at every meal. But this week, I've got groceries and new receipes (thanks to and I'm ready to experiment.

Last week, I read an article on the WW site about alternatives to hotdogs and hamburgers, which I found very interesting. I haven't been eating anything like that at home, but of course, my occasional fast food meal is always a high points burger. I thought that maybe I could find a way to introduce burgers into my regular meal plans, and maybe avoid fast food altogether. What really surprised me is that the vegetarian burgers were so low. I'm not a vegetarian, and I enjoy eating meat, but I've also been exposed to some of the vegetarian burger substitutes, and I like them. To me, they are not a replacement for meat, but another type of sandwich all together. So over the weekend I bought a box of frozen garden burgers and I'm going to try them this week at home on my Foreman grill. I'll let you know how I like them.

One other interesting note: My red Ralph Lauren towel hangs by itself on a towel rack on the back of my bathroom door. I've been feeling so thin the last few days that I decided to try on the towel again. There is some change, as I expected, but nothing dramatic yet. So I'm thinking that I'll redo the pictures again in mid-September. The towel won't fit then, but the gap should be nearly closed. It's exciting!

Sunday, July 28, 2002

Week 30
Adjusting To e-Tools

So far, my experiment with the Weight Watchers e-tools has been interesting, and successful. Some day, I haven't kept the journal, either because it was too much work or because I had eaten out and didn't have an exact point count for my meal. It's taking a while to get my regular foods entered into my journal, but I've been pleasantly surprised at the number of brand name items in their database. Once I get everything in once, it will be much faster as time goes on.

The strange thing, though, is that I've been carrying food cartons upstairs to my office so I can sit with them in front of the computer. I've filled up my office trash can with them! It's not a bad thing, just a bit weird to have food packaging out of the kitchen. I may need to get a larger trash container for the office if this keeps up. A small adjustment.
Week 30
My Body Feels Different

The last week, I've been experiencing the most unusual sensations. Things that caught my attention, but that I couldn't figure out. My arms, my sides, even my hips, but mostly around my waist. And then, last night I got it -- I'm feeling thinner! But how exactly does "thinner" feel from the inside? I'll try to explain. When I twist from the waist, I no longer have so much stomach and back, so what used to feel like part of me twisting inside the rest of me, now is feeling like all of me is twisting. When I move my arms around, picking things up, etc, I feel skin touching, making contact, where before they are always in contact. It's an amazing thing, actually. When I run my hands over my sides or back or legs, for example, I can feel the muscle and bone are much closer to the surface than they used to be.

This has been a miraculous discovery. After all of these weeks and more than 40 pounds, I suddenly FEEL different from the inside out. What a great thing!

Friday, July 26, 2002

Week 29
Setting Goals

As my regular visitors know, I've avoided setting goals for myself. I've really focused on the process of being healthy, and let the outcome work itself out. Except for my red towel goal, I've not set one for myself. I've not even set a goal weight, although I do have a general idea of the ballpark I expect to land in. I'm going to let my body work that out for me. I'll know the goal when I reach it -- that is my philosophy.

Well, I was doing some thinking the other night, thinking about where I've been and how I'm doing. I started doing some simple math, and I figured out approximately what my weight could be around the time I travel home for the holidays. I remembered the size that I wore the last time I weighted that amount. And somehow, in the midst of all that thinking and simple math, I came up with a goal. I believe that around Christmas I will be able to wear a size 18. Now, that isn't exactly a "normal" size, since they end at 16 for most clothing lines. But it does mean that I will be in that gray area between the regular size clothes and plus sized clothes. THAT got me all excited. And I realized that when I am able to wear a size 18, all of the clothes in my closet will be way too baggy to keep wearing. THAT was exciting, also! About that size is when I'm going to have to really buy clothes -- until then I've got enough things, even if they are a bit baggy, to keep me going. Except for underwear -- baggy panties tend to fall right off, and I don't want THAT to happen. I'm not going to buy many clothes until I reach the goal, and I'm going to try to buy things that will work even when they are a bit baggy.

The other thing that has me really excited is realizing that next spring, all of the clothes I own today will be gone, and my closets and drawers will be empty, holding only the new things. I've had overflowing closets for year because of the range of sizes I've had to keep as my weight changed back and forth a bit over the years. I can't wait to have nearly empty closets! I'm sure I'll fill them up soon enough, but I'm going to enjoy the extra space as long as I can.
Week 29
Eating Out -- A Lot!

Since January, I've cooked nearly every meal I've eaten. It's been fun. But the last week, I've eaten out so many meals, sometime both lunch and dinner in the same day. My social life is quite busy right now, and I'm enjoying it. But I'm also make excellent meal choices in restaurants. Well, with one exception. I was at an Italian place last night, and the garlic bread sticks were to die for. And they were sitting way to close to my plate. I ate 5 of them, way more than I should have. I'm doing great with chips and salsa at the Mexican places, but the garlic breadsticks did me in a bit.

I'm doing a combination of things at these restaurants. First, I'm making sure that I'm making good choices. But second, I'm trying to eat some foods that either I don't know how to make, or they are dangerous things for me to have around. Like the breadsticks last night. Even though I blew it a bit, it was much safer to have them in a restaurant than to buy some and make them at home. At home, I'm afraid I would have eaten them all! I also shared a desert the other night, so I got to have a few bites of something delicious, which is a great way to incorporate these things into my life.

At my new favorite Mexican place, On the Border, I have found a lunch special called a Border Plate which gives me half of a spinach and mushroom quesidilla with a big salad. With a bit of dressing on the side, it is more than enough for lunch, and lets me eat yummy foods. The spinach is overflowing and wonderful! (I used to love Popeye cartoons as a kid, and my mom used to get me to eat my spinach "like Popeye..." and it worked.) At some places, I've cut a line through my entre and only eated the portion I separated. I've gotten a to-go box for the rest, and enjoyed it another time.

I'm looking forward to a BIG grocery trip tomorrow to stock up on some new fruit. But I'm eating very well this week, thanks for asking!

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Week 29
What Wisdom Can I Find Inside Myself?

I'm feeling pretty blah these days. There doesn't seem to be much going on inside my head, not much thoughtful living, just living. And I'm OK with that. I don't know why I'm so tired, either, but I've been napping a lot lately.

My bad news from Sunday, the thing that triggered so much stress and was my excuse for binge snacking -- well, that situation has turned around and I'm working again. Yes, for the same people. It's a long story, and even if you have the time to read it, I don't have the time (or the heart) to plod through it. I'm just happy to be working and being paid, with just a few "vacation days" off. I used the time well, for the most part. Except for eating. I used the anxiety to dig in and clean clean clean my house. I wiped down the woodwork. I scrubed the fridge. I vacuumed up and down the stairs, twice. I sorted a huge stack of magazines, and had three garbage bags of sorted out trash for the curb. I moved nearly everything around, rearranged the furniture a bit, and piled the couch with freshly washed and folded clothes that are too big for me. In fact, there are about 6 pieces of unwashed clothes in my house right now! A small miracle. But it feels great to have gotten so much done! The only room I didn't touch -- my office. The one room where I spend 80% of my waking hours. I'll start up here over the weekend.

Today I went out to do some window shopping for artwork for the messy office. I want to put up a collection of vintage style travel posters. I've come up with the cheapest way in the world to do this! I got the trick from looking at the artwork for sale at T.J. Maxx, Ross, and Marshalls. I've been out to my favorite online art places,,, and, and have started selecting the prints that might work for this room. I've got a strange set of colors I want to use: apple green, periwinkle blue, ambrosia, and orange. I'm using a rug from Target for inspiration. I'm using galvanized tin accessories. Here's the trick: I'm ordering the prints, and trimming off the borders. Then, I'm getting artist stretcher frames exactly the right size, stretching them with plain white canvas, and painting them black. Using spray adhesive, I'm mounting the prints to the canvas, and using an artist protective gel, painting over the surface. I've done a sample with a small print downstairs, and its a great look. It's MUCH cheaper than trying to frame them, even using poster frames.

While I was out, I tried a new fresh Mex style of restaurant, I forget the exact name. I drive past this place all of the time. I got a fajita style burrito, and had them hold the guacamole and cream cheese. I couldn't finish it, and it was delicious.

That's an idea... maybe some new foods would help me to feel out of my mental rut. I'll have to try some experimental cooking!

Well, I didn't exactly find any wisdom, but I do feel better after talking about my fun plans for the artwork! Maybe that is a good trick to remember, talk about something fun to feel better. Hmmm... not profound, but it worked.

Monday, July 22, 2002

Week 29
Bad Weekend -- Zero Loss

I'm glad I don't have to do the true confession thing very often. Sunday was bad day for me, I got sort of laid off. It's hard to explain, being in a freelance situation, but the money tree I was on ordered me to stop working immediately. That doesn't happen very often. And I didn't take it very well. I had a combination of bad things line up: I was out of groceries... I had bad news... and it was the day before my period. Yep, I ate horrible the whole day. Snacked my heart out. I was sick at my stomach at the end of the day, which matched the heartache I was feeling worrying about work and income. I know better than to worry, and I know better than to run out of groceries, and I know better than to binge snack. But I did all three.

The good news? Yes, there is good news. I didn't have very much dangerous stuff to eat. I went right back on my regular food plan today. And at my weigh-in, I had no change from last week, so whatever damage I did on Sunday, it wasn't horrible.

I'm not thinking too much about this. It's just a reminder to me that a) good habits are invaluable, b) I need to make sure that maintaining good habits remain a priority, and c) I can return to healthy living in an instant. Who knows, if there have been fresh fruit in the house, I might have snacked on that, which would have been even less harmful, and provided me with some valuable nutrition. At least I realized I could fix thing starting today, and haven't done any guilt tripping over it.

Bad days happen, even after 28 weeks and lots of success.