Monday, November 11, 2002

Another Quick Post

Hello everyone. I'm back home, finally, after almost 2 months. I came home to plumbing problems... isn't it always something? But in spite of this, I must say that I'm feeling more relaxed now that I've been home a few days, and have actually driven my truck. I'm going to be fine. I've been worried about being able to do everything on my own, and now I know that I can do ENOUGH to get by.

I'm eating better, too. Perhaps it is only because I don't have snack foods available at my house! But whatever the reason, I'm enjoying feeling back to normal. I'm going to eat well, but not really count points this week. Starting Monday, however, I'm back in my program.

I can't put into word the feeling of relief I have now. I'm so glad that I decided to take some time off, even though I snacked with the best of them. Taking the pressure off of myself was a kind thing for me to do for me. Thanks to everyone who wrote to me supporting me. Now that I'm back in my usual environment, with my usual foods around, I'm so much more relaxed. By Monday, I'll be ready to resume my program.

My weakened leg continues to give me problems. Thanks to my friend, Beth, for helping me to understand how a weak leg can give me knee problems, and for giving me some exercises I can do to build up my inner thigh. I'm doing them, and boy, can I feel how weak those muscles are today! I'm going to resume distance walking as soon as the knee clears up, and with the new exercises, I'm hoping that will be very soon.

It's good to be home. Sigh.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Quick Post

Hello everyone. I'm packing my things to return home to Phoenix over the weekend. My recovery seems to be going through a setback, as I'm not able to get around very much at all, and seriously doubt that I will be able to drive my truck because it has a standard transmission and my weak leg is the clutch leg. We'll see what happens. Otherwise, I'm not counting points, although I'm making an effort to eat good things, and I'm in a bit better mood, but still not back to my normal mood -- whatever that is.

I've been writing a bit in my personal journal, if you are interested.