Here's my weight progress chart in two parts. The first graph covers the initial efforts recorded on this blog as weeks 1 through 54. There are some gaps, but this is what I recorded during that time.
The week is roughly the number of weeks I've been making this lifestyle adjustment and blogging about it.
The weight is my check-in weight for the week. For a while, I attended Weight Watchers meetings. Most of the weights, however, were taken by me on my bathroom scales.
The lost is the number of pounds lost this week. If the number is negative, it means I actually gained that week.
The so far is the number of pounds I have lost from the original start of this lifestyle change. This number is there to let me see how much I've improved my overall health.
There are two rows of numbers under 10% goal. That's because my goal is always to lose 10% of my current body weight.
The last row of numbers tracks my progress on my current goal of losing 10% of my body weight. When I hit 10% like I did in weeks 16 and 51, I celebrate. And start over with a new goal to lose 10% of my current body weight.
If this doesn't make any sense to you, don't worry about it. It makes sense to me.
Here's my current progress. I can't get Blogger to do what I want. You'll have to figure it out for yourself.
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